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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Best Song on Rev Theory's new Album *Light It Up*

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Light It Up
Favorite Disease
Broken Bones
Kill The Headlights
Wanted Man
Slow Burn
Falling Down
Far From Over
Other Leave Your Comment

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Monday, November 17, 2008

"Light It Up"

Rev Theory Blog
Who's loving this album besides me? (please please let me know who!?) Ok so you've all heard that Rev's "Light It Up" has officially hit the airwaves, so has anyone heard them on the radio yet? Not me!? Damn I must be missing it!...or...we need to be giving some fan love and calling in. I'll send you this Rev Theory computer desktop background if you call in. Just e-mail me what radio station you sent a request too at:

Rev Theory Fan Slide Show

Rev Theory Live Community

I am happy to annouce that we now have a Rev Theory Live Chat community. Join in! I'm almost always on to talk to you. I want to hear how the concert was or if you got your pic with one of the band members.