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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My CALL IN to 97.5 FM

So the radio announcer on my local radio station 97.5 tells everyone about Rev Theory's new album Light It Up and that he's about to play their song next on the radio. He says to everyone if they like the song "Light It Up" then call in and shout out. So I did, I called the radio station, told them to keep Rock'n Rev Theory and I loved the band they are great. He says thanks but nothing more than that, they didn't come back on to let us know what everyone else thinks about them. Pfffffffttttttttttt radio scams..I hate it when they suck you in to get them to call you then they play songs forever to get you to listen to see if your voice shows up on the radio. But no matter, I did it beacause I love my band Rev Theory. Love to hear a shout out from all you rockers out their so talk to me baby!

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Rev Theory Fan Slide Show

Rev Theory Live Community

I am happy to annouce that we now have a Rev Theory Live Chat community. Join in! I'm almost always on to talk to you. I want to hear how the concert was or if you got your pic with one of the band members.